04 December 2009

Fringe Benefits

As part of my office's reorganization we planned a three-day offsite meeting in San Diego to bring together all of our staff from across the country, our Border Patrol and Army Corps partners.  But between meetings and dinners and getting-to-know-yous with our staff, some of my favorite coworkers and I were able to squeeze in some fun including walks along the marina, a trip to the USS Midway, seeing New Moon and dinner at a great little artisan restaurant just outside the Gaslamp District.

Before I started this job I had never been to California, this was my sixth trip overall and my second to San Diego.  And just like last time the weather was gorgeous, perfect for walking the marina and enjoying the sun!

San Diego Marina and Marina Walk

My pelican friend at the Marina

After our walk on the Marina we stopped in at the USS Midway for a tour of the incredible ship. Decommissioned and made into a museum in the San Diego harbor, the aircraft carrier is a really interesting place to visit, made more so by the accompaniment of a coworker who had flown helicopters in the Navy off similar ships (although he mostly flew off cruisers and destroyers).  Walking through the various decks we were able to see living quarters, ready rooms for pilots, boilers, engineering, you name it.  Within minutes of exiting the main entry area I was wondering how anyone could find their way around the floating city we were visiting.  With no windows or contact with the ship's outside, I couldn't tell where I was or even on what deck.  Thankfully there were lots of signs to help out me and I'm sure the countless others who came before with the same concern.

(The USS Midway on approach from the Harbor)

(Entering the Midway)

(Bunks for the enlisted men.  This is only worse on a submarine)

(One of the many fighter planes on the deck)

(A coworker inside a Sea King helicopter on the deck of the Midway)

After our trip the the Midway, two coworkers and I saw New Moon in the most perfect way.  It was just the three of us in the theater.  Meaning we could ridicule the teenage angst without bothering anyone else.  I think the low point of the film was, "i'm sorry you hit your head on that rock, let me take my shirt off in full view of the camera to blot your head."  All that said, how does a 17 year old get a body like that? And where is his neck? Yikes.

After the movie we hit Cafe Chloe, just a few blocks out of the Gaslamp and Amy's find on Chowhound.  Deliciousness! This artisan restaurant prints their menus daily to keep up with what's new and fresh and delivers a delicious combination of American comforts with Friench inspiration.  My mac and cheese made with pancetta and blue cheese brought exactly that.  Try it out the next time you're in San Diego!

And lastly, I leave you with the funny sign we saw at The Field, a Gaslamp pub known for wonderful live Irish music.

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