12 February 2010

And I'm Back...

After a month long hiatus, I'm back with a new, fancy computer to back me up.  Why, you ask, did I need a new computer to be back in the blogosphere?  Because I am a klutz.  While carrying my now old laptop from our office/laundry space back to the living room, I caught my foot on a box and fell spectacularly.  As I went careening forward, my computer shot out of my hands landing open with a flop on the floor, completely destroying the screen.  So...new computer, here I am.  Several tasty recipes will be coming soon as I catch up on the blog!


  1. hooray! i just about gave you and boxy up for blog death! welcome back. :)

  2. Yay, I'm glad you are back too! I think Boxy has admitted that her blog has died though :(
