08 April 2009

Quick Margherita Pizza

B Post!

This one isn't as healthy as the previous posts, but it's perfectly delicious. Also, this isn't really a recipe so much as a set of loose instructions for creating your own delicious pizza.

11 oz. pre-made white or whole wheat pizza dough (we get ours at Whole Foods and it lasts a couple days in the fridge)
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 pouch pre-made Boboli sauce (we've tried making our own and a number of other pre-made and for the time and ease, this one is the best)
4-5 oz fresh, whole milk mozzarella, sliced
10-15 fresh basil leafs (this is a "to taste" thing)

Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Roll out your pizza dough to approximately 12" in diameter. Dock pizza dough with docker or fork. Brush lightly with olive oil. Place crust on pizza stone (round baking sheet will work if you don't have stone) and place on the bottom rack of the oven. Bake for four minutes. Remove crust from the oven. Cover evenly with pizza sauce and mozzarella. Replace in the oven on bottom rack until crust is brown and cheese is bubbly and lightly browned (about eight minutes). Remove from oven and place fresh basil leaves evenly on top of pizza. Slice and eat immediately!

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